Saturday, August 17, 2019

i have a plan for that too

i wanted to document somehow that my life is a miracle
mostly because it can change so fast
and i was reminded today of my upbringing and how i might have tapped out
if not for chances, serendipity, kindness, patience...
but also because the poetry and beauty that somehow i can still see
pokes through the darkness and evil of these days
and makes me cling to a small hope
that turns into determination
when hope is snuffed out momentarily
that there might be a future
that people will be able to change how we are here
to a culture of nurturing growth and rewarding kindness
admitting wrongs and asking those wronged how we can best help now
- and then we do those things - investment in resilience is never wasted -
we can begin planting so many trees in yards and fields and on top of buildings
we can give incentives for regenerative grazing and such
awards for the most improved diversity of organisms and best soil quality
protect birds from buildings and wind farms
reimburse people for going solar and organic and fireproofing their homes
when i wonder if we're all killing ourselves
i want to live long enough
i want to live to contribute
i want to live to see us come through to the other side whole